***Game Updated 8.5.22 with fixes and gameplay improvements***

Originally for MechJam III (July 2022)

Living in a post-apocalyptic world, Sprocket the PlayBot spends his days looking for treasures and pretending. Help Sprocket find a new treasure.

This is a point-and-click adventure game that uses mouse controls.

Point and click on a place to walk to that place. Right-click to cycle through the options (walk-to, look at, use, talk to).

Scroll mouse wheel down/up to open and close inventory. With the "use" cursor, drag inventory items to use them with on-screen objects or with each other.

Click on the option you want to use. In the case of dialogue, click to continue, or, click on your dialogue choice if there are several dialogue options.


We used some pre-made sound effects because we ran out of time. (see Credits, below)

StarshipCaptainBecca: coding, story, character art/animation, level design
Draconimous: background art, level design, character art/animation
Enjaku: voice-acting
Rainsong: music, character art/animation

Software used:
Game engine: Visionaire Studio
Voice recording/editing: Reaper
Art/Animation: Pyxel Edit, Aseprite, Procreate, Affinity Designer
Music: Cakewalk/BandLab

Sound effects: Kenny.NL sound assets (various from https://www.kenney.nl/assets?q=audio) and Gamemaster Audio ProSound Collection (for the dog-panting and the water)


Game Build 0066.zip 30 MB


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This is a fun and very cute game. Very nice graphics and a sweet story. And I liked how the voiceacting reflects the different personalities of the bots.
Great job!

I really enjoyed this game and would love to see more like this.

This has the vibe of a real indie point and click adventure. It looks really nice.

Thanks so much! That was the goal.

Loved It


thank you :D